The Most Important Moment In a Sale

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The Most Important Moment In a Sale


  • When someone is most excited or in pain, it's the prime opportunity to sell; the intensity of these feelings diminishes over time.
  • On the first day someone walks into a gym, they are at their peak pain point and most open to solutions.
  • It's more effective to sell to gym-goers immediately, rather than waiting until they've seen some results or the novelty has worn off.
  • I believe in securing a strong commitment from the get-go; this approach increases the likelihood of a customer's long-term success.
  • Especially in the fitness industry where the customer has to put in a lot of work, getting a bigger commitment up front is crucial.


How To Take Action

To take action on these insights, here's what I would suggest:

First, identify the moments when people feel most excited or in pain about a problem they have. For example, in a gym setting, this would be on their first day. Use this time to talk about solutions you offer because that's when they're most likely to listen and act.

Next, make your pitch right away. Don't wait for them to see results or lose interest. Explain the benefits of your product or service to them right then and there. Make them see how it can help solve their problem or improve their life immediately.

Also, don't shy away from asking for a strong commitment upfront. Tell them how committing now will help them in the long term, and why it's worth it. For this, use real-life success stories and facts to make your case strong.

Remember, when people have to put in work, like with gym-goers, getting them to commit early on gives them an extra push to succeed. So always lead with the biggest commitment you think they'll agree to.

Keep these points in mind:

  • Meet the person where their excitement or pain is the highest.
  • Sell them a solution right there and then.
  • Ask for a strong, upfront commitment.
  • Back up your pitch with stories and facts about long-term success.

Implementing this approach doesn't cost much and can be done quickly. It will help you solve your customers' problems better and grow your business.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"If you have the skill of sales, it's in my opinion that when someone's the most excited the most in pain is at the first moment"

– Alex Hormozi

"The day you walk in the gym is the day that you are the most in pain"

– Alex Hormozi

"Trying to sell someone later when they've already had some results or the novelty has worn off"

– Alex Hormozi

"Always sell it backwards"

– Alex Hormozi

"Get someone in, make a very strong argument for why they should commit"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

if you have the skill of sales it's in my opinion that when someone's the most excited the most in pain is at the first moment so the day you walk in the gym is the day that you are the most in pain and so trying to sell someone later when they've already had some results or the novelty has worn off to me always sell it backwards I want to get someone in make a very strong argument for why they should commit and then also get the bigger commitment upfront which actually long term makes it more likely that they're going to be successful especially if it's something where they have to do a lot of work which in the Fitness business there is a lot of work customers to do that's how I approached this

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