The Ones Who Win

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The Ones Who Win


  • When setting goals for your business, aiming for a high financial target is fine but should not be the sole motivation.
  • Striving to make a significant impact, change the industry, and create something enduring is often more fulfilling and motivating.
  • Having a purpose greater than just financial gain can lead to greater success and personal satisfaction.
  • When I hear someone's only goal is a specific monetary figure like $30 million, I'm not excited by that because it lacks depth and larger vision.


How To Take Action

A good way of doing things is to set goals that are not just about money. It's important to aim for a big financial target, but don’t let that be all you work for. Try to figure out how your business can change the industry or create something that will last a long time. To do this, think about what is special about your business and what you can offer that no one else can.

I would suggest looking for motivation in making a difference. This means that you want your work to help people or make the world better. When you try to make an impact, you often end up being more successful and feeling happier too.

If you only think about making money, like just wanting to get $30 million, it's not that exciting. It doesn't show a big dream or a plan for what to do after you make the money. So, what you need to do is find a reason for your business that is bigger than money. Ask yourself, "What do I want my business to be remembered for?" When you have that answer, let that reason guide all your plans and decisions.

When making plans, always check if your idea will help achieve your big goal. If it won’t, then maybe it’s not a good plan. This way of thinking can help keep you and your business going in the right direction. It doesn’t cost money to have a purpose, and it can guide you to make better choices that are worth a lot more in the end.

Quotes by Leila Hormozi

"I have nothing wrong with if people want to make a ton of money they want to sell their business"

– Leila Hormozi

"It's the ones who say that that tend not to actually be able to do it"

– Leila Hormozi

"I want to change the industry"

– Leila Hormozi

"I want to build something amazing"

– Leila Hormozi

"I want to build something that outlasts me"

– Leila Hormozi

Full Transcript

I have nothing wrong with if people want to make a ton of money they want to sell their business right but it's the ones who say that that tend not to actually be able to do it it's the ones who say they're like I want to change the industry I want to build something amazing I want to build something that outlasts me it's people that are motivated by something bigger than the money the amount of times I've asked somebody and I'm like what's the big goal and they're like 30 million and I'm like I'm so not excited at all like

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