The Perfect Clay Pot

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The Perfect Clay Pot


  • Always remember that practicing a lot leads to better results. Like the class that had to make as many pots as possible, doing more of the task improved not just the quantity but also the quality.
  • Focus on producing work frequently and consistently rather than trying to make one perfect result. As with the clay pots, creating lots of pots led to higher quality over time.
  • Understand that the more you do something, the better you get at it, and luck becomes less of a factor. Just like the pot-making story, volume of work reduces the impact of luck.


How To Take Action

I would suggest starting by setting daily or weekly goals for how much work you want to do. Remember, it's about practicing a lot. You could decide to create something small every day if you're an artist, or write a page every morning if you're a writer.

A good way of doing things is to not stress about making things perfect. Just like in the story of the clay pots, focus on the process and the learning that comes from doing. Quality will get better the more you do.

To really get better at something, do it a lot! It's like a muscle that gets stronger with exercise. This helps reduce the role of luck in your success. You might set up a routine where you're doing the main thing for your business every day, like making calls or creating content.

For anyone growing a business or themselves, keep track of your work. See how doing more makes you better. Maybe at the end of each week, look at what you've made or done, and think about how it's improved from the week before.

Lastly, remember volume is key. The more you do, the luckier you get, so keep pushing that volume. Don't wait for the perfect moment or idea to get started because doing the work is what makes the idea better.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"volume negates luck"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

there's a teacher and he's got two classes that he teaches one class he says the only assignment for this whole semester is that you come back with a perfect clay pot that's it the other class he says your objective is to make the most total quantity of clay pots and you'll be measured by how many pots you make and at the end of the quarter the pots that came from the team that had to just make sheer volume not only did they make more pots but the quality of all of their pots was better compared to the teams that only had to make one and it just underlines the biggest lesson that I've learned in my life which is that volume negates luck

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