The Point Is to Stay In It

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The Point Is to Stay In It…


  • If you don't give up, you win. Persistence is key.
  • Understand the difference between finite and infinite games. Finite games have known players, agreed-upon rules, and a clear end. Infinite games have known and unknown players, no fixed rules, and the goal is to keep playing.
  • In life, the greatest pursuits are infinite games. In marriage, the goal is to stay married. In health, the goal is to stay in shape. In business, the goal is to stay in business.


How To Take Action

I would suggest implementing a mindset shift to understand that persistence is key. Remember, if you don't give up, you win. This applies to everything you do, whether it's business, personal goals, or improving your health. Keep going, and you'll see results over time.

Focus on playing infinite games—those without an end goal where the aim is to keep improving and staying in the game. For example, in business, instead of aiming for a quick win, aim to stay in business. Develop habits that ensure long-term survival, like continuously learning, adapting, and keeping your customers happy.

A good way of doing this is by setting up regular small goals that align with your long-term vision. This keeps you motivated and on track. For instance, if you're working on your health, instead of focusing solely on losing 20 pounds, focus on creating a daily exercise habit. Over time, this habit will help you stay in shape.

In marriage or relationships, don't aim for perfection. Instead, work on improving your communication and spending quality time together. These consistent actions foster a stronger bond and keep the relationship thriving.

For small businesses, start by building a strong foundation. Concentrate on delivering value to your customers, understanding their needs, and continuously improving your products or services. Keep an eye on your finances, control your costs, and invest in areas that promote growth.

Remember, the goal is to stay in the game, keep growing, and never stop improving. Persist, adapt, and focus on long-term success.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"If you don't give up you win"

– Alex Hormozi

"Finite frame is where you have known players, agreed upon rules, and a way to win or lose"

– Alex Hormozi

"The point of the game is to keep the game going"

– Alex Hormozi

"The point is to stay married"

– Alex Hormozi

"The point is to stay in business"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

if you don't give up you win one of the things that took me too long to learn was the difference between the finite and infinite frame and so finite frame is where you have known players agreed upon rules and a way to win or lose at the end and then the game is over in infinite frame you have known and unknown players no agreed upon rules and the point of the game is to keep the game going and all the greatest games that I've ever participated in marriage Health business you don't win at marriage the point is to stay married you don't win at Health the point is to stay in shape you don't win at business the point is to stay in business and so by default

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