The Price of Yes

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The Price of Yes…


  • I've noticed a lot of folks want success, but they don't want to face rejection.
  • The truth is, to get a 'yes', you often have to accept hearing 'no' a hundred times.
  • Embrace rejection; it's a stepping stone to achieving your goals.
  • Once you're ready to deal with those 100 'nos', you'll find the 'yeses' start rolling in.


How To Take Action

A good way of doing things is to start changing your mindset about rejection. Instead of running away from it, think of it like a game. I would suggest sticking post-it notes on your wall for each 'no' you get. This way, it's visual, and you'll actually want to collect those nos.

To get a 'yes', you're going to hear 'no' a lot. So, make it a point to ask for things, even if you're scared. Set a goal for the number of rejections you want to get each week. It could be 10, 20, or more.

Embrace this whole idea that every 'no' is getting you closer to a 'yes'. Share this goal with a friend, or a group. It's less scary when others are counting their nos too, and it can turn into a supportive challenge.

Keep track of your progress. Write down what you're learning from each 'no'. This will help you improve. Over time, you'll get better at hearing 'no', and it won't sting as much.

Finally, celebrate every milestone. Did you hit your rejection goal? Reward yourself. It's not just about the 'yes' at the end, but also how many 'no's you've collected on the way there.

Remember, once you’re okay with those 100 'nos', you won’t believe how quickly the 'yeses' start to come in. It's all about sticking with it, learning, and not being afraid of a simple two-letter word.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"a lot of people want the yes but they aren't willing to pay the price for yes because the price for yes is 100 Nos"

– Alex Hormozi

"as soon as you are willing to get the 100 NOS you can get as many yeses as you damn well please"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

a lot of people want the yes but they aren't willing to pay the price for yes because the price for yes is 100 Nos and as soon as you are willing to get the 100 NOS you can get as many yeses as you damn well please

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