The True Test of Perfectionism

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The True Test of Perfectionism


  • I recognize that the real measure of perfectionism is not settled by outside opinions; it's in our reaction to them. Even if others praise our work as exceptional, if we're not content and push to make it match our ideal, that's the hallmark of valuing our own standards.
  • I've learned that while external validation is important, we must hold our work to our own benchmarks. True perfectionists are identified by their drive to refine their work, despite already receiving accolades.
  • I advise resisting the temptation to settle for what is already viewed as excellent. Instead, keep striving until your work aligns with your personal vision of perfection.


How To Take Action

I would suggest starting with one project you're working on and ask yourself what "perfect" looks like to you. Write this down. Don't worry about what others might think. This is about meeting your high standards.

Next, take a step back and look at the work you've done so far. Is it good? Do people like it? Great! But now check it against the "perfect" you wrote down. If it's not there yet, it's not done. Keep working on it until you feel proud, not when others say it's good.

Remember, this is not about making things harder for no reason. If your work is already great and making it "perfect" in your eyes won't add much value, then maybe it's okay to stop there. But if you think you can make it better, even just a little, and it doesn't mean spending a lot of time or money, why not go for it?

A good way of doing this is to set aside fixed time blocks just for refining. Maybe an hour or two every week? Use this time to polish and perfect your work. It's like giving your project a special shine that only you can see but makes all the difference.

Lastly, celebrate the small wins every time you make something a bit better. Feeling good about your progress is important. It keeps you motivated!

So, to sum up, value your own opinion of your work, refine it until you are content, but also remember to balance perfection with practicality. It can be a tough line to walk, but when in doubt, lean towards creating something you're proud to call your own.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

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the true test of whether you're a perfectionist or not is if everyone else in the room says it's exceptional and then you say but I'll know it's not because I don't think it's exceptional yet if you still break what everyone else believes is beautiful so that you can make it the way you want it to make that is probably like the truest test of whether or not you really do value your own opinion over those of other people's

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