This Is the Thing That Keeps Most People Poor

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This Is the Thing That Keeps Most People Poor


  • One entrepreneur I know was a high-level CrossFit games competitor who created a fitness app.
  • Despite placing fourth in multiple competitions, which is impressive, he believed he didn't deserve to promote his app because he wasn't a top winner.
  • He only shared the app with his gym members, even though it was really good.
  • A client who was a marketer convinced him to make just one post about the app.
  • By making one post, he doubled his revenue from $20,000 a month to $100,000 a month in a couple of months.
  • The big lesson here is that changing your beliefs about what you deserve can significantly impact your business.
  • Don’t let self-doubt prevent you from sharing valuable products or services.


How To Take Action

I would suggest implementing a few key strategies to get started. First, **
recognize the value of your products or services
**. Many people, like the CrossFit competitor, don't realize how valuable their offering is because they focus on their perceived shortcomings. If you've created something useful, share it confidently.

A good way of doing this is by **
making a simple post on social media
**. You don’t need big ad campaigns. Just one well-crafted post can make a big difference. Share what you're offering, how it can help people, and why you're passionate about it. This low-cost action can exponentially increase your visibility and revenue, just like it did for the fitness app creator.

Next, **
seek feedback from your existing clients or users
**. They can provide testimonials or share their experiences, which can be invaluable. This feedback not only boosts your confidence but also serves as social proof for potential new customers.

Additionally, **
surround yourself with people who believe in you and your product
**. They can push you when your self-doubt takes over, much like the marketer did for the CrossFit competitor. This doesn’t cost money but adds immense value to your mindset and approach.

Finally, **
challenge your limiting beliefs
**. Ask yourself if they are based on facts or just perceptions. Are they really holding you back from promoting something great? By changing your mindset, you open up numerous possibilities for growth and success.

Full Transcript

there was an entrepreneur that I know who had a fitness app he was a super high level CrossFit games competitor and he started this app and he didn't want to tell anybody about it because he never placed top three he placed fourth place in multiple competitions which is insane but he had a belief that if he wasn't the winner he didn't deserve to have an app like think about how crazy that is but he didn't question that that was just what he believed reality to be like well of course and so he built this app for himself and just the members of his gym but the app was so good that people started sharing it and finally a client of his was a marketer and said you need to start marketing this you need to start posting about it and he wouldn't post and finally she convinced him to just make one post and he like doubled his Revenue a month or two later he'd gone from like 20,000 a month to $100,000 a month with his app simply because he changed his beliefs

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