This Is Why Youre Never Going to Win

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This Is Why You’re Never Going to Win…


  • The closer people are to you, the more they compare themselves to you.
  • When you succeed, it can make those close to you feel bad if they aren't also succeeding.
  • People may try to justify your success with excuses like saying you had an unfair advantage.
  • They might say things like, "You won because you have a rich dad," or "You're lucky because you have support."
  • Arguing with them about these excuses is a waste of time. You won't change their minds.
  • The best response I've found is to agree with them and say, "You're right, that's why you'll never win."
  • This usually leads them to insist that they will win, which ends the argument.


How To Take Action

To handle the negative reactions from people close to you when you succeed, start by understanding that their comments often come from their own insecurities. A good way of dealing with this is to not take it personally. What you need to do is focus on your journey and remember your success is about your hard work, dedication, and the unique path you've taken.

When someone tries to justify your success with excuses, saying you had an unfair advantage like a rich dad or that you're just lucky to have support, don't argue with them. Arguing won't change their minds and will only waste your time. Instead, agree with them quickly. You could say, "You're right, and that's why you'll never win if you think that way." This might sound a little harsh, but it helps to stop the argument and often makes the other person assert that they will succeed. Then, you can end the conversation on a positive note by saying, "Great, so let's both focus on our wins."

Remember, your actions and success speak louder than any arguments. Keep investing in those low-cost, high-value actions that brought you success and inspire others by example. Build a positive environment around you with people who support and motivate you, and don't let others' excuses affect your growth path. Success is best shared, so wish them well and get back to your work, because that's where real winners focus their energy.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"the closer people are to you the more similarly they'll see themselves in you and the more your success will make them feel bad about themselves"

– Alex Hormozi

"what will begin to happen is that the people you know will start to justify why you won and they didn't"

– Alex Hormozi

"they'll be like well that's because Daddy's Rich"

– Alex Hormozi

"that's because your parents loved you"

– Alex Hormozi

"you just look at them and you say you're right that's why you're never going to win"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

the closer people are to you the more similarly they'll see themselves in you and the more your success will make them feel bad about themselves and I can promise you this from somebody who might be a little further what will begin to happen is that the people you know will start to justify why you won and they didn't they'll be like well that's because Daddy's Rich that's because your parents loved you that's because you got support that's because your girlfriend's awesome that's because insert whatever reason you want and the only really good response that I have to that rather than trying to fight them on the excuse because you never win in an argument is you just look at them and you say you're right that's why you're never going to win and then they will F be like yes I will and you're like great then what are we arguing about

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