This Will Make You A Lot Of Money
- I believe having congruence in your messaging can make you more money. Start by ensuring your ad matches the headline for the webinar.
- When people opt in for your webinar, the first few lines should align with the headline they saw. This builds trust.
- Make sure what you discuss on the webinar is consistent with the information shared on the sales call. Consistency matters.
- After the sale, make sure the onboarding and success team reinforce the promises made during the sales call. This helps with customer satisfaction.
- Although it seems simple, maintaining congruence from start to finish is challenging because it requires coordinating multiple people. But it's crucial for smooth, efficient sales processes.
How To Take Action
I would suggest implementing congruence in your messaging to boost income. Start by ensuring your ad closely matches the headline for any webinar or content you're promoting. This alignment between initial interest and follow-up content helps build trust.
A good way of doing this is to check that the first few lines people see in your webinar match the headline they clicked on. This keeps the messaging consistent and helps them feel they've come to the right place.
Make sure whatever you discuss in the webinar stays consistent with what you say on sales calls. This means using the same points and language. This consistency across your communications reassures potential customers that they are in the right hands.
After making a sale, the onboarding and success teams should uphold the promises made during sales calls. Ensure they have a clear understanding of the commitments made to customers so they can reinforce expectations and deliver on promises. This helps with customer satisfaction and long-term loyalty.
Even though this appears straightforward, coordinating these elements can be complex. It's important to get everyone on the same page. Hold regular meetings and create shared documents that outline key messages and promises. This ensures everyone is aligned and helps create a smooth, efficient sales process.
Full Transcript
this word will make you a lot more money you want to have congruence from the ad to what they see as the headline for the webinar once they opt in the first few lines of the webinar should match with the headline that they opted in for once they get on the call it should match what you talked about on the webinar once they get sold the onboarding and success person should be matching what they said on the sales call and this sounds so simple and yet no one does it it is simple to understand but hard to do because you have to coordinate multiple parties along the same line but this is what creates streamline find lubricated sales