Use This to Make Way More Money
- You can restructure what you sell to make way more money in your business.
- People aren’t buying filler; they are buying a specific look or outcome.
- Address the customer's desire by identifying where they are now and where they want to be.
- Use a visual chart to help customers see their current position and their goal.
- Explain the process clearly, such as needing 45 weeks and a combination of Botox, filler, and plastic surgery.
- By tying the customer’s current state to their desired outcome, you show them that your service is the vehicle to achieve their look.
How To Take Action
Implementation Strategies
Understand Your Customer's True Desires
Restructure Your Offering:
- Customers want specific outcomes, not the product itself. Reframe your product or service to highlight the end result.
- Example: If you sell fitness training, market the transformation and confidence your clients will gain, not just the number of sessions.
Identify Current and Desired States:
- Ask your customers where they see themselves now and where they want to be.
- Use this information to position your offering as the bridge to their goal.
- Example: In skincare, ask clients to identify their current skin condition and their desired look using a simple visual chart.
Visual Aids and Clear Roadmaps
Use Visual Charts:
- Create visual tools that help customers identify their current status and visualize their desired outcomes.
- Example: A hair salon could use a chart showing different hair conditions and styles, helping clients see potential transformations.
Explain the Process:
- Break down the journey from their current state to their desired result.
- Share a clear, step-by-step plan with realistic timelines.
- Example: For a diet plan, explain how many weeks it will take to lose a certain amount of weight, including what kind of workouts and meals are involved.
Link Needs to Solutions
- Tie Current State to Desired Outcome:
- Show customers that your service is the vehicle to achieve their goals.
- Connect the dots between their current struggles and your solution.
- Example: In digital marketing, explain how your service will gradually increase their online visibility, leading to more sales and brand recognition.
By implementing these strategies, you'll better address your customers’ desires and show them how your offerings can transform their lives. This method not only attracts more clients but also ensures they see the value in what you provide.
Full Transcript
you can use this process to make way more money in your business by simply restructuring what it is that you sell you want to look a certain way you're not here cuz you want filler you're here because you want to look a certain way so if I show this chart to you of faces and filler densities where where do you see yourself on here currently this lady's not buying filler she's trying to buy a certain look she wants people to think about her a certainly so say you're ugly now how pretty do you want to be we say cool so for us to get you from here to here it's going to take us 45 weeks it's going to take us Botox filler and you know plastic surgery we're going to have to do this and it's going to take this many weeks for us to reverse this level of Aging or at least take these cow feed out or whatever it is and so we tie where you're at to where you want to go and then our solution is only the vehicle that delivers this outcome