We Are Wired to Survive Not Succeed

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We Are Wired to Survive Not Succeed


  • Our brains are built to help us survive, not always to help us succeed. This means our thoughts and feelings might not always make sense, and that’s okay.

  • Sometimes your brain might label something as scary even when it’s not. It's important to remember that thoughts are just thoughts; they don't define who you are.

  • When you notice weird or unhelpful thoughts, observe them and then have a little fun with it. You can even poke fun at how strange the thoughts are.

  • Don’t take your thoughts too seriously. Instead, focus on evidence and separate your identity from these thoughts.

  • Your thoughts do not have to control your life. Remember, your actions are what truly matter. Believe in your power to act rather than letting your thoughts dictate everything you do.


How To Take Action

I would suggest implementing a mindset of observation with your thoughts. When you catch yourself having weird or unhelpful thoughts, don't let them define you. Try to just see them as a passing occurrence. Recognize that often these thoughts are just your brain trying to keep you safe, even when there's no real danger.

A good way of dealing with unsettling thoughts is to make a mental note of them and then lighten the mood by poking a little fun at them. Humor can give you power over your thoughts and help you realize they're not as powerful as they seem.

Remember, your thoughts don't control your life—your actions do. Focus on gathering evidence that shows the reality of your situation, rather than the imagined worries your thoughts may create. Use this evidence to guide your decisions and behavior, separating your identity from the fleeting thoughts in your mind.

Finally, believe in your ability to act. Confidence comes from taking action, not just positive thinking. Choose actions that align with your goals and values, and take steps that will lead you to success, regardless of what random thoughts pop into your head. This approach will help you navigate life with more freedom and less anxiety.

Full Transcript

we are wired as to survive not succeed thoughts and feelings don't always make sense and that's okay and they don't always have some deeper meaning it might just be your brain trying to survive because you labeled something that's not scary as scary we label them it's a thought it's not me then we observe them and then next we make fun of them oh that's a up one today of all days where I have all the things to do of course you're going to have the most up insane thoughts thanks don't buy into your thoughts don't take them so serious in instead ground yourself in evidence and separate yourself from your thoughts your thoughts do not need to dictate your life your actions do but if you believe that your thoughts have this power over you they will continue to dictate what you do

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