Were Not Afraid to Disagree

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We’re Not Afraid to Disagree


  • Sometimes, when we disagree on something, it actually helps us. We talk and talk about the idea, and this makes it better.
  • We know that it's not about one person winning. We want to find the middle ground that works for everyone.
  • If the idea we have doesn't make all of us happy, we just haven't thought enough about it. We never just pick one person's idea. We always look for a better one.


How To Take Action

I would suggest implementing a way to talk about ideas that might lead to some disagreement. When you start, remember that arguing a bit can actually make your idea stronger. Try to find a time to chat when you can really focus on the idea and how to make it better.

Next, think about how everyone involved should agree on the goal but not on how to get there. The goal is the same – you want to make decisions that make everyone feel like they are winning.

If you have an idea, and it doesn't make everyone happy, don't stick with it just because it's yours. Take more time to think about it instead. Your goal isn't to just pick your idea or another person's idea; you should work together to find a better one that everyone likes.

To do this well, here's what you can do:

  • Set up a regular time to talk about ideas, maybe once a week.
  • When you chat, make sure everyone has a chance to talk about their thoughts.
  • Don't be afraid to say if you don't like an idea, but be kind about it.
  • If someone has a different idea, try to understand why they like it.
  • Keep talking until you find an idea that everyone is excited about.
  • Remember that the best idea might be a mix of different people's thoughts.

By following these steps, you'll get better at making decisions that help everyone. It's like solving a puzzle together. And it can be fun when you find the perfect piece that fits!

Quotes by Leila Hormozi

"We're not afraid to disagree"

– Leila Hormozi

"When we disagree we tend to beat up the idea so much with each other that we end up always coming to a better decision"

– Leila Hormozi

"Once we've aired our points of views and beat the idea up enough that it isn't either one of ours"

– Leila Hormozi

"If it's not a win for all of us we're not thinking creatively enough"

– Leila Hormozi

"We need a better way"

– Leila Hormozi

Full Transcript

we're not afraid to disagree what we have seen is that when we disagree we tend to beat up the idea so much with each other that we end up always coming to a better decision once we've aired our points of views and beat the idea up enough that it isn't either one of ours like it's not one way or the other it's like how do we find this place in the Middle where it meets all the needs and so if it's not a win for all of us we're not thinking creatively enough through the decision we don't go with like his way or my way it's like we need a better way

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