What If Everything Starts to Go Wrong

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What If Everything Starts to Go Wrong?


  • I've come to realize that worrying about things going wrong is a natural part of experiencing success.
  • I now understand that fearing bad outcomes doesn't contribute to my happiness; accepting potential negative events does.
  • Embracing the possibility of bad things happening has greatly reduced the fear that used to dominate my life.
  • I've learned to confront uncomfortable thoughts and situations without letting them control my actions or dictate the direction of my life.
  • Acceptance of the bad is a powerful tool that has allowed me to be the happiest I've ever been.


How To Take Action

I would suggest starting with recognizing that worry is normal when things are going well. Accept that feeling worried doesn't help you. Instead, learn to be okay with the idea that sometimes, bad things can happen. This change in thinking can really cut down on your fear and let you be your happiest self.

A good way of doing this is by facing tough thoughts and situations head-on. Don't let them boss you around or choose your path in life for you. Here's a simple plan to follow:

  • Every day, spend a few minutes thinking about what worries you. Write them down if it helps.
  • Now, instead of pushing those worries away, just sit with them. Say to yourself, "It's okay for these worries to be here."
  • After that, make a promise to yourself to keep moving forward with your day. Don't let those worries stop you from doing what you planned.

By practicing this, you'll get used to the uncomfortable stuff and realize it doesn't have that much power over you. Bit by bit, you'll feel less scared of bad things possibly happening. This isn't about waiting for them to happen, but not letting the fear of them hold you back.

When you accept the bad, you take away so much fear. This isn't something that happens overnight, but if you keep at it every day for a little while, you'll find that you're not pushed around by fear anymore. And that's when you can be super happy, even when things aren't perfect.

Quotes by Leila Hormozi

"stuff's going really well and then I start to think oh God what if it starts to go bad"

– Leila Hormozi

"I'm the happiest I've ever been"

– Leila Hormozi

"feeling like I'm not afraid of bad feelings"

– Leila Hormozi

"I'm not afraid of things going wrong"

– Leila Hormozi

"I'm not afraid to think about the bad stuff"

– Leila Hormozi

Full Transcript

stuff's going really well and then I start to think oh God what if it starts to go bad now when I say it it sounds like oh I bet you she's not happy and I'm the happiest I've ever been feeling like I'm not afraid of bad feelings I'm not afraid of things going wrong and that's what acceptance of the bad has done for me it's taken away so much of the fear I used to have I've desensitized myself to it I'm not afraid to think about the bad stuff I'm not afraid for it to happen but I no longer am controlled and propelled in the opposite direction by it

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