When to Delegate

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When to Delegate


  • In the beginning, it's common to not be good at many things and have to do everything yourself. This helps you understand each area of your business.

  • As you grow, identify what you are best at and where that skill brings the most value to your company. Focus on those areas to help the business expand.

  • For tasks you are not great at or don't enjoy, consider delegating them to someone else, especially if those tasks are neither important nor urgent.

  • Continuously improving in areas where you excel can keep contributing to your company's growth.


How To Take Action

I would suggest starting by figuring out what you are good at and passionate about in your business. Make a list. These are the things you should focus on because they bring the most value. Spend more time getting better at these tasks.

A good way to handle things you're not great at or don’t enjoy is to delegate them. For example, if you don’t enjoy bookkeeping and it's taking a lot of your time, find someone else who is skilled in that area. You can often hire someone part-time or use an affordable service. This saves you time and energy you can put toward areas you excel in.

Another strategy is to keep improving in the areas where you already shine. Take some time each week to learn more about these areas. Watch videos, read articles, or listen to podcasts.

Finally, try to regularly review your tasks. If something isn't important or urgent, consider dropping it or rethinking how it can be done more efficiently. This helps keep your focus where it matters most and supports ongoing growth.

By identifying your strengths, delegating wisely, and continuously learning, you'll help your business grow efficiently without getting overwhelmed.

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