Why daily routines make you poor fragile trigger warning

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Why daily routines make you poor & fragile [trigger warning]


  • I, Alex Hormozi, make it clear that the growth of a business depends on addressing your constraint—focus on the weakest link in your chain, not just increasing potential elsewhere.
  • Many entrepreneurs don't grow their business because they overlook their personal constraints, often rooted in character traits and limiting beliefs.
  • I encountered young entrepreneurs whose limiting beliefs were evident, particularly "I am" statements that lock in negative self-views, like being high anxiety or all-or-nothing thinkers.
  • These "I am" statements are detrimental because they solidify beliefs that prevent personal growth and adaptability; they should be reframed or discarded if they don't serve our goals.
  • Our identity should be fluid and must adapt to what is necessary for growth rather than being fixed by statements like "I am."
  • Crutches and superstitions, or excessive dependence on routines, can make us weaker and vulnerable to disruptions; resilience comes from being adaptable.
  • Dependency on things like alcohol, drugs, or rigid routines for sleep or productivity eventually diminishes their benefits and makes us less effective.
  • Cycling through various activities and routines can provide more benefits than sticking to a single strict regimen.
  • As entrepreneurs, it is crucial to be aware of how we describe ourselves and to avoid solidifying weaknesses through "I am" statements or crippling routines.
  • By speaking beliefs that serve us and maintaining adaptability, we position ourselves to succeed independently of circumstances and build greater resilience in business and life.


How To Take Action

A good way of doing things is to start by tackling the weakest link in your business or personal growth. Don't just add strengths elsewhere; hit that constraint hard. If you've got a character trait or belief holding you back, it's like a ball and chain. Think about what you're weak at and focus there first.

I would suggest rerouting those "I am" statements that lock you up. If you catch yourself saying, "I am not good at this," flip it around to "I am working to get better at this." Your identity's gotta be as flexible as rubber, bending and changing as you grow.

You don't want to lean on crutches or routines too much. They might work at first, but then they make you weaker over time. Shake things up instead. Sometimes do things one way, sometimes another. Mix it up to stay strong and adapt to whatever comes your way.

Be super careful with how you talk about yourself. Ditch the bad "I am" talk that doesn't help you hit your goals. Instead, speak words that lift you up. Say, "I tend to…" or "Sometimes I struggle with…" These phrases give you room to change and grow.

Last thing, watch out for those superstitions and routines you think you need. You say, "I have to have my morning coffee to wake up," but that's just boxing you in. Always be ready to work with what you've got, wherever you are. Stay tough and ready for anything, no matter if your routine goes kaput.

So, work on these things and what do you know, you'll be that much stronger and ready for whatever business or life throws your way!

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"In order to grow your identity must be whatever is required to grow period"

– Alex Hormozi

"If you have traits that you speak of yourself, you have to ask yourself does this serve me"

– Alex Hormozi

"Be incredibly cognizant of the things that you speak of yourself"

– Alex Hormozi

"Does this belief serve me? If it does not, stop [__] saying it"

– Alex Hormozi

"You have to be able to succeed independent of circumstance that you create"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

i'm probably gonna piss a lot of people off in this video and that's not my intention but you come here for the uh unaltered you know raw truth uh and so that is what i'm going to try and provide you just fyi my name is oxford rosie i own acquisition.com we do about 85 million a year in revenue one of the biggest things that i talk about all the time on this channel in terms of how to grow is that there are three different components to growing your business right you have your skills as the entrepreneur you have your character traits as the entrepreneur and you have your beliefs and what happens is most people continue to add potential to their business but do not grow their business because they're not focused on the thing that is the constraint and that's kind of the fundamentals of the theory constraint is that a system will grow to its constraint and no further basically you grow until you are bottlenecked and then that bottleneck becomes the weak link in the chain so to speak and then you cannot grow past it and so people do all these other things which add potential they add strength to the other aspects of the chain they add they re-fortify other aspects of the bridge but not the weakest point and so they actually never make more money and they stay because they have not attacked the constraint and so last night i was at a dinner um with a couple of entrepreneurs young doing a couple million bucks a year and their constraint was so evident to me that i figured i would make a video about it because i think it will be helpful for you as well and so there's two things that i want to bring up uh and what's interesting is that as i you know when i talk to younger entrepreneurs i would say younger being with quotes less experienced whatever entrepreneurs their out points are clearer and what i mean by that is the red flags the things that are limiting them are clearer to me than say people who are further along right and so with this particular uh couple of entrepreneurs the limiter were two things they were both based on character traits and so i thought that you know a lot of times i'll talk about skills i talk about beliefs but i don't talk about character traits as much and i thought this would be a useful example for this a couple of the statements they said throughout the dinner really rubbed me the wrong way not personally but just in terms of me looking out for another entrepreneur they made i am statements which are in my opinion some of the most powerful statements that you speak over yourself about what you believe to be true right and so they said uh we are high anxiety people we uh have lots of anxiety and i i don't even like saying it like myself to make this video for you because of how much i i hate that type of statement the second thing uh i heard later on in the conversation they said something to the degree of um i'm an all or nothing type person like i either have to you know go full send mode when i go out or uh i can't drink uh or a different example of that same concept would be like i either have to you know train really hard and and you know take take all the supplements right in the in the meantime or i or i just sit on the couch and eat oreos right and when i heard both of these things and there were other traits that they brought up but these are the ones that i'm just remembering off the top of my mind i paused and i was like do you believe that that do you think that belief serves you they're like what do you mean i was like do you think that that belief serves you that you are all or nothing that you will have to go full send mode or you have to stay in they're like well hadn't really thought about it like that the thing is is that when we make these statements and the thing is maybe the further on in the game you go and this is why i think mentors and having people outside of you uh to speak into your life that you trust is very useful because they can hear you speak these limiting statements over yourself right um and i've told this story before in the past but i'll say it again i used to tell people that i was bad at math most people now would never can say that i was bad at math people would say i'm pretty good at math right and i thought i was bad at math until 26. think about that for a second like 12 26 i thought i was bad at math like is that crazy right and i say this because there are so many beliefs that we we speak over ourselves these traits that we claim to have we claim them right as though they are ours but they are not in order to grow your identity must be whatever is required to grow period that's it so if this season of your life requires you to be more assertive then you would say i have a tendency based on external circumstances to be more assertive in these types of conditions right and so the language has to change towards i have a tendency towards right or i have a proclivity for rather than i am which is definitive certain and end of case meaning nothing can be done about it and so if we can change the way we speak we will change the way we live because we change the way we think number one number two thing that came up so one was obviously all the i am statements the what i would say you know limiting character traits is they talk about their own traits but the traits are not things that serve them and so if you have traits that you speak of yourself you have to ask yourself does this serve me does this serve me is this going to help me accomplish the goals that i have and if it doesn't then stop saying it so here's the second thing they did that was kind of the red flag for me i'm partially making this because i'm sure they're going to watch it crutches are dangerous superstition is dangerous what i mean by that is that we have these things that we do on these routines that we set and the thing is is if we become dependent on the routine we actually become weaker as a result of it and so that is why i am always so sensitive to religious and i'm using quotes here i'm using it in the literal word of religious religious adherence to routines religious adherence to you know how i have to wait like whenever you use terms like i have to i must i should we should i need to these are all things that you're making statements about how the world must be when you have no control over it and so if i wanted to conquer somebody who is a competitor of mine i would hope i would pray that they have crutches and superstitions that i can exploit for example if you have to drink a bottle of alcohol every night to go to bed that is a crutch if you have to smoke a blunt every night to fall asleep that is a crutch if you have to take edibles every night to fall asleep that is a crutch if you have to take pills every need to go to sleep you had as a crutch and i told you at the very beginning of this video i know this is going to piss a lot of people off but believe it or not there were humans hundreds of years ago that had none of these things and they slept just fine hundreds of years ago there were humans who did not have coffee in the morning there were humans who did not have pharmaceutical drugs there were humans who did not have orange glasses there are humans who did not have these weird rituals that we try and convince ourselves uh we must do we have to do we need to do we cannot live without and all they end up doing is weakening us because the thing is is you have a level of maintenance right of how you look and feel whatever and so what happens is it's like when you start drinking coffee in the beginning you feel better and then over time you need to drink coffee just to feel normal and so then the benefit that coffee confers is gone and so if you really want to get benefits from things then you need to cycle the things that you do which means inherently you're not going to have a routine because the things that you're doing are constantly changing which give you the temporary flux or benefit that it will confer to you as a result of it being novel if you're going to do it but most people don't do it that way instead they become dependent on these superstitions about how they must go to bed every night how they must fall asleep and what they must take and what the hell they have to have their mornings or what or they create a punishment for themselves or i can't be productive or i can't think of straight or i'm i'm really really agitated all day right that's so weak it's so weak it makes you so non-resilient that i would hope to compete against you you know i mean i would hope that because i would just hope that something interrupts your magical routine and then [ __ ] you for the day right i've always had the belief that i'd like to be able to sleep on a cot somewhere and be just as effective in a cot with you know in a corner in a closet as somebody who has to have every single aspect of their life completely dialed in i see it as the difference between the rocky cut scene of him versus drago and rocky iv drago's got all these fancy science things that he has to do and all these supplements he's taking all the stuff and rocky's just doing his thing outdoors getting it done and so as entrepreneurs the two takeaways for this video for you number one be incredibly cognizant of the things that you speak of yourself when you make i am statements they are the strongest statements that you can make because they are deeply embedded beliefs about what you believe about yourself and so if you say i ha i am this way when you describe yourself when you meet someone new you meet a girl on a date and you're like i am i have a short fuse right i have a temper i am disorganized i am not good with time i am not good with money i hate even saying this [ __ ] right but just to give you the types of things that people say all the time that do not serve them does this belief serve me if it does not stop [ __ ] saying it period and say something else right or at the very least if you feel compelled to have to describe this thing then say i have a tendency or i struggle with behaviors that are this way rather than i am number one number two be incredibly weary of the superstitions and routines and religion that you adhere to that you claim is the source of your productivity creativity alertness mental well-being subject you know happiness whatever it is or the converse of that if you lack it the threats or the punishments that you speak over yourself if i am not i am agitated i have a short fuse i can't focus i'm not productive i don't have energy all of these things are just weaknesses that you literally build into yourself so stop that's all i've got for today guys so moseynation i make this channel uh because a lot of people are broke and i don't want you to be one of them and a lot of people speak limiting beliefs over themselves they claim traits that do not serve them and they make superstitions and crutch that make them weaker rather than stronger and if you want to survive in the world of business you want to build a huge enterprise you want to make the impact that you have you have to be able to know exactly who you are you have to speak beliefs that serve you and you have to be able to succeed independent of circumstance that you create you are source not reaction lots of love keeping awesome catch you guys soon bye

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