Why I Moved to California at 22
- I moved to Costa Mesa, California because I wanted to be around inspiring people and places.
- Tony Robbins talked about moving to Corona del Mar in his audiobook, but I couldn't afford it.
- Instead, I chose Costa Mesa because it was nearby and had affordable living.
- I often visited Corona del Mar, especially the beach, where I would write down my goals and think about what I needed to learn.
- I decided to move based on advice from books, thinking if it worked for Tony Robbins, it might work for me.
- At 22 years old, I felt I had nothing to lose by trying something new and challenging.
How To Take Action
Implementation Strategies for Personal Growth and Business Success
Find an Inspiring Environment:
- I would suggest relocating or spending time in a place that motivates you. It doesn't have to be expensive. Just find a nearby area that inspires creativity and growth.
Set Clear Goals:
- A good way of doing this is to visit a place you find inspiring, like a beach or a park, and write down your goals. Make it a habit to revisit these goals regularly.
Listen to Successful People:
- Like I listened to Tony Robbins, find audiobooks or podcasts by people you admire. Take their advice seriously and see how you can adapt their strategies to your circumstances.
Learn Continuously:
- Always think about what you need to learn next. Spend time daily or weekly absorbing new knowledge and skills from books or online courses. This helps you grow continuously.
Take Calculated Risks:
- If you’re in a position where you have little to lose, consider trying something new and challenging. Sometimes a small, brave move can make a big difference in your personal and professional life.
Engage in Regular Self-Reflection:
- I would also suggest setting aside time for self-reflection. Whether at the beach, in a park, or even just in a quiet room, think about your progress and areas for improvement.
By following these simple, low-cost steps, you can make significant strides in your personal growth and business journey. These strategies are easy to implement and can yield high-value results, helping you get closer to your goals without needing to spend a lot of money or time.
Full Transcript
why did I move to California why did I move to specifically coost Mesa I had literally been listening to an audio book from Tony Robbins where he talked about how he got out from where he was living and he moved somewhere where people were inspiring and where he moved to was Corona delmare and guess what I could not afford Chron Del Mar because it was too expensive and so I moved as close as possible which was coasta Mesa that had affordable living and I would literally go to Tona delmare I would go to the beach that he described in his audio tape and I would sit at the beach and I would be writing down all my goals and thinking about all the things I needed to do to learn while I was listening to that tape but it's not like I had somebody that said go there go to California go move there I just literally listened to the books and I was like it you know worked for him might as well try it I'm 22 I have nothing to lose