Why I Stopped Looking for a Mentor
- I learned to stop wishing for a mentor and started becoming my own mentor.
- I realized I needed to become the person I could rely on and think things through with.
- You don't gain skills from just reading books or taking instructions; real learning comes from trying things yourself.
- Making mistakes is crucial—it's through trial and error that you really learn and grow.
- I found that falling on my face and failing wasn't the end; I could fix things and keep going.
- Being okay with making mistakes helped me trust myself more.
- Whether I succeed or fail, I know I can make things work either way.
How To Take Action
I would suggest implementing a few key strategies to grow personally and in your business.
First, start taking action on your own ideas, instead of waiting for a mentor or someone to guide you. This means trying things out firsthand, even if you feel unsure. The real learning happens when you actually do things, not just by reading or listening to others.
Next, embrace making mistakes. It's very easy to get stuck worrying about being perfect, but learning through trial and error is crucial. When you make a mistake, acknowledge it, figure out what went wrong, and then try again. This approach builds resilience and confidence because you see that mistakes aren't the end, but a part of the process.
Being okay with mistakes will help you trust yourself more. When you see that you can fix things and keep moving forward, you'll be more inclined to trust your judgment and decisions. This trust in yourself is fundamental in navigating both personal and business challenges.
Lastly, whether you're succeeding or facing setbacks, keep reminding yourself that you can always make things work. This mindset ensures that you stay persistent, resourceful, and motivated, both in good times and tough situations.
So, focus on trying, failing, learning, and repeating. Each step you take, no matter how small or imperfect, will bring you closer to your goals.
Full Transcript
I stopped wishing for a mentor when I started realizing I needed to become my own I needed to become the person I can rely on the person I can think through things with you don't accumulate those skills without trial and error without just trying it's not like it comes out of reading a freaking book it certainly doesn't come out of taking instructions from other people and not trying for yourself it comes out of making mistakes falling on your face eating and then you realize I didn't die I was able to fix stuff is making mistakes that hat and once you're okay with making more mistakes then you're also okay with trusting yourself more because you know that whether you succeed or whether it doesn't work you're going to make it work either way