Why selfcare makes you poor & fragile [trigger warning]
- I believe self-care as it's commonly preached is nonsense and it can be harmful because it suggests there's something wrong if you're not engaging in it.
- Historically, weekends are a recent concept, introduced in 1926 in England due to worker dissatisfaction, and should not dictate how we manage our time.
- Don't waste time with activities or people you don't enjoy; instead, focus on creating a life that doesn't require escape through so-called self-care.
- Question societal rules and norms when they're imposed on you and decide for yourself how to live your life without unnecessary guilt or pressure.
- If you enjoy what you do, it's fine to work as much as you want; don't let others project their dissatisfaction onto you.
- Rather than squeezing in self-care to tolerate a disliked job or lifestyle, work on changing your life to be more fulfilling.
- True relaxation and rest are important, but they're different from indulging in prescribed self-care routines that may not suit everyone.
- Ultimately, life is short and future generations won't remember the minor details, so focus on what makes you happy and free.
- Acknowledge that humans have survived much tougher circumstances than modern-day stressors and you don't need daily pampering to handle life's challenges.
- Remember your own resilience and strength gained from past hardships; you can get through current struggles without mandatory self-care rituals.
- Live by your principles and if that includes self-care, that's fine, just don't force your approach onto others.
How To Take Action
A good way of doing things is by living life on your own terms. Let's break away from the idea that you need weekends or self-care rituals to be happy. Create a life that you love every day, so you don't feel the need to escape from it. Here’s a plan:
Write down what parts of your life make you want to escape. Is it your job, certain people, or specific activities?
Make a list of things you love doing, even if they seem small or simple. These are the things that make your day better without needing a break.
If you're doing something because society tells you "that's just what people do," like taking weekends off, think if that’s really what you want.
Evaluate how you spend your relaxation time. If you're doing things because you think you should, like spa days, but don't enjoy them, stop. Find what actually helps you feel rested.
Don’t listen to others who say you’re working too much or not enough. It's your life, work as much as you enjoy. Just make sure to get enough sleep and rest.
If you're unhappy with your current life, brainstorm steps to change it. You might need a different job or to spend less time with certain people.
- Remember the tough times you’ve already survived. You have strength and resilience. Use that knowledge to get through current struggles without feeling guilty for not doing "self-care."
Living your life by these principles means you’re taking care of yourself by building a fulfilling life, not just checking off self-care tasks. If self-care fits into that naturally, that's great, otherwise, let your own joy guide you.
Quotes by Alex Hormozi
"Weekends are new for humans; they're not even 100 years old."
– Alex Hormozi
"Stop hanging out with people that [ __ ] suck."
– Alex Hormozi
"It's my life, I don't need to live by anyone else's rules, and neither do you."
– Alex Hormozi
"There are no rules; you can do whatever the hell you want."
– Alex Hormozi
"You're going to die, and that is the ultimate freedom."
– Alex Hormozi
Full Transcript
going to talk about why i think self-care is absolute nonsense and why you should run the other way from anybody who's telling you otherwise and if you don't know who i am my name is alex mosey on acquisition.com got some new swag we run a portfolio of 100 million companies that make all the money and it doesn't matter anyways so purpose of this video like i said all this self-care hoodoo nonsense gets people in a lot of trouble and the reason for that is because we think that for some reason we are doing something wrong when we are not self-caring because it is bad to not self-care because we should we must or else or what and the reason this pisses me off the reason that i made a tweet that went viral um this morning about this is that weekends are new for humans they're not even 100 years old 1929 in england is when the first weekend got passed by a union and it's because people hated what they were doing for their life and so if you want to truly give self-care then stop hating what you do every day novel concept i know stop hanging out with people that [ __ ] suck mind blowing like i said i know and the reason that i am so passionate about this is that i have been told throughout my entire life that i was working too much i was not balancing the things that i was supposed to be balancing and you know what who gives a [ __ ] it's my life i don't need to live by anyone else's rules and neither do you right and so when people say you should be doing this you are not doing xyz just take a pause and be like are these rules that i want to listen to are those your rules that you're trying to apply to my life because there are no rules you can do whatever the hell you want if you want to work for a year straight work for a year straight and the reason you can work for a year straight is because you like what you do the reason these people try and project their own self-hatred for their own lives onto you is because they cannot imagine a world in which someone might actually like what they do every day and didn't don't need an escape a break from what their existence is on a daily basis and so don't feel guilty for just being you and if you don't like your life every day rather than try and figure out and make time for self-care it would probably be better to flip the ratio and start thinking what can i do in my actual life to stop hating it so much that i need an escape from it right and that's different from like yes you need to sleep yes you need to you know rest etc but there's a difference between that and like oh i just need a total spa day and if that's how you relax cool but the thing is is projecting on someone else how they should must need to have to relax or do whatever it's nonsensical it doesn't exist right i wanted to make this video even though it's short because i it just drives me bananas if you want to work work if you wanna take off take off just don't listen to what anyone else says about what you should do for your life you're going to die and so will they and it's not going to matter and in 10 generations don't even remember your name so do you want you're going to die and that is the ultimate freedom and for some reason we live under these chains that we think exist but don't and so i think the process of of growing and really making ourselves free is just simply identifying the things that don't really exist and only existed in our mind to begin with and i think that's why self-create really bugs the [ __ ] out of me or this whole self-care movement it's also soft as [ __ ] like just work right to get it done you need to like give yourself a [ __ ] bubble bath every day because like you're worked so hard like human's been here a very long time we've dealt with much much harder [ __ ] your you know boss having a deadline the next day is not the worst [ __ ] that you've been through and so as a final sign off on this think about the hardest things that you have been through in your life everyone has gone through hard [ __ ] everyone has had difficulties in childhood everyone has had difficulties with siblings with parents blah blah blah these events that shape our lives you have been through harder [ __ ] than this you will survive it will be okay you don't need to self-care you don't need to listen to what anyone else is saying you do you and if that means self-care by all means but just don't protect on anyone else all right lots of love buzzy nation see you guys in the next video bye