You DO Have Time Stop Lying to Yourself

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You DO Have Time. Stop Lying to Yourself.


  • Everyone has 8 hours between 5-9 AM and 5-9 PM, regardless of work or school schedules.
  • When you say you don't have time, recognize it's often about not wanting to make trade-offs.
  • We all do things that make us comfortable now but could lead to discomfort in the long run.
  • Reframe your mindset: being uncomfortable today can lead to comfort for decades.
  • It's important to prioritize and make sacrifices now to benefit your future self.


How To Take Action

I would suggest implementing a few key strategies to really maximize your time and personal growth.

First, recognize that everyone, including you, has 8 hours between 5-9 AM and 5-9 PM daily, even if you have a 40-hour job or you're a student. Start by tracking how you currently spend these hours. Identify low-value activities you can cut.

Next, focus on making trade-offs. Instead of saying, "I don't have time," think about what you're willing to give up. Be aware that short-term comfort often leads to long-term discomfort. Decide on one or two things you’re doing now that, if you stopped, would free up time for more valuable activities. For example, limit TV or social media time.

Reframe your mindset about discomfort. Remind yourself that being uncomfortable now can lead to far greater comfort in the future. Set small, achievable goals that push you slightly outside your comfort zone. This might mean getting up an hour earlier to work out or spending an hour in the evening learning a new skill.

Prioritize tasks that will benefit your future self. Break these tasks down into small steps so they don’t feel overwhelming. Use a planner or a simple to-do list to keep track of your progress and hold yourself accountable.

Lastly, maintain consistency. Incremental progress is better than no progress at all. Make small changes and stick to them. Over time, these will add up to significant improvements in your life and work.

Full Transcript

when you say you don't have time just immediately think to yourself this is every single person has between 5 to 9:00 a.m. and 5 to 900 p.m. every day of the week even if you have a 40-hour job even if you're a full-time student everybody has those eight hours per day the thing is is that we're not willing to make the trade-offs because we have these things that make us comfortable cool if you reframe those things as the thing that makes me comfortable today it's the thing that's going to make me uncomfortable for a decade all of a sudden the cost of that Comfort goes up and so then it flips to if I can become uncomfortable for to day I can be comfortable for decades

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