You Will Pick the Wrong Thing

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You Will Pick the Wrong Thing


  • Don't count on getting it right the first time in entrepreneurship; it's not like winning the lottery.
  • Making informed choices in business comes from experience, not from guessing without enough information.
  • When choosing a career path, consider what you prefer, like numbers over words, to eliminate unsuitable options.
  • Focus on industries or careers that align with your interests, like data analysis or media buying, if you're into numbers.
  • Understand that time spent in a job or business that you don't enjoy isn't wasted—it's a valuable learning experience that provides you with more information.


How To Take Action

I would suggest starting by reflecting on what you already know about yourself, like if you like numbers more than words. This helps narrow down your career or business options. You could look at fields heavy in numbers, such as data analysis, media buying, or conversion rate optimization.

Keep in mind that every experience, even in jobs you didn't enjoy, is valuable. You learned something, and that's not wasted time. Use this information to make better decisions going forward.

Here's what you can do:

  1. Make a list of what you're good at and what you enjoy. If you're into numbers, focus on careers or businesses in that area.
  2. Think about all the jobs or projects you didn't like. Ask yourself what didn't work for you.
  3. Cross off anything that doesn't match your interests or skills from your list.
  4. Research the industries or careers left on your list to see which ones fit best with your preferences and lifestyle.

Keep things simple to start. Don't worry about picking the perfect path from the beginning. Remember, it's all about gathering information and using it to make better choices. Focus on low-cost options to test out your interests—like online courses or side projects before jumping all in. This way, you can learn what you like and don't like without spending too much time or money.

Quotes by Alex Hormozi

"One of the big fallacies of Entrepreneurship is that we're going to pick right the first time and it's going to be perfect"

– Alex Hormozi

"The reality is that you don't have enough information because you haven't done any of them"

– Alex Hormozi

"It's like okay, do I like Words more or do I like numbers more It's like oh, I like numbers more"

– Alex Hormozi

"Now of the numbers careers, what are all the industries that are predominantly numbers or career paths within those"

– Alex Hormozi

"I spent 2 years doing this job career or business that I didn't like and they think that somehow wasted when really all you did was gain more information"

– Alex Hormozi

Full Transcript

it's really just like hoping you win the lottery one of the big fallacies of Entrepreneurship is that we're going to pick right the first time and it's going to be perfect the reality is that you don't have the context from which to make the Judgment because you don't have enough information because you haven't done any of them it's like okay do I like Words more do I like numbers more it's like oh I like numbers more cool well I can just cross out all the stuff that has to do with words now of the numbers careers what are all the industries that are predominantly numbers or career paths within those there's data analyst there's media buying there's conversion rate optimization like these are all things that are very metric driven but here's the part that I think people mess up is that they think man I spent 2 years doing this job career or business that I didn't like and they think that somehow wasted when really all you did was gain more information

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