Your Money Should Make You More Money

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Your Money Should Make You More Money


  • I recommend using your money to invest in acquiring new skills.
  • I believe that investing in skills can make you more money in the long run.
  • Until you've invested in all the skills you need, I don't see the point in investing in things like the stock market or trusts.
  • Even now, I still prioritize putting my money towards learning new skills whenever I can.
  • Investing in your personal growth can yield higher returns than traditional investments.


How To Take Action

Action Plan for Implementing Strategies from the Transcript

Invest in Acquiring New Skills

1. Identify Skills Needed:

  • Start by listing out the specific skills that could help you grow your business or your personal capabilities. Think about areas like marketing, sales, public speaking, or project management.

2. Use Free or Low-Cost Resources:

  • Leverage online platforms like YouTube, Coursera, or Udemy for free or inexpensive courses. Libraries also offer valuable resources.
  • Join community groups or local business associations where you can learn from others.

3. Practice Daily:

  • Dedicate at least 15-30 minutes daily to practice these new skills. Consistency is key.
  • Apply what you learn immediately to your business or personal projects to reinforce the new information.

4. Network with Experts:

  • Reach out to people who already excel in the skills you wish to learn. This could be via social media, local meetups, or online forums.
  • Ask for advice, mentorship, or even just tips on where to start.

5. Measure Progress:

  • Set clear, achievable goals for the skills you're working on and track your progress regularly. This could be via milestone charts or reflection journals.

Prioritize Learning Over Traditional Investments

1. Re-allocate Funds:

  • Instead of putting money into stocks or mutual funds, consider using that budget for courses, workshops, or certification programs that can enhance your skill set.
  • Purchase books or e-books that provide in-depth knowledge and practical tips in your areas of interest.

2. Join Learning Communities:

  • Participate in webinars, attend workshops (virtual or local), and join online communities focused on the skill you’re improving.
  • Engage actively in these communities to gain new insights and share your progress and challenges.

Personal Growth for Higher Returns

1. Set Personal Growth Goals:

  • Define what personal growth looks like for you. Is it better time management? Improved public speaking? Increased sales?
  • Write down your goals and revisit them weekly to see how the skills you're learning are helping you achieve them.

2. Allocate Time Wisely:

  • Dedicate certain days or times of the day solely for learning and self-improvement. Treat this time as importantly as you would a business meeting.
  • Use productivity tools like calendars or to-do lists to keep track of your learning schedule.

By following these steps, you can prioritize skill acquisition and personal growth, leading to greater long-term success and financial returns.

Full Transcript

use that money to make more money it's like dude until you've invested in all the skills that you need to have I don't see the point in investing also in like the stock market or a trust or any of those things if I still have skills to go acquire that can make me more money then I would put my money towards use there and I still do that to the degree that I can so that's what I would do

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